
Synopsis of the book “Protest Movements in the Arab World” (Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon, Bahrain, Algeria, Syria and Jordan)

Algeria ,Egypt ,Iraq ,Jordan ,Lebanon ,Morocco ,Tunisia ,YemenSynopsis of the book “Protest Movements in the Arab World” (Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon, Bahrain, Algeria, Syria and Jordan) This book is a collaborative work written by: Tamer Kharma, Fares Ashti, Rabei Wahba, Lutfi Boumghar, Salama Kila, Mohammad Alagati, Abdelrahim Manar Alsolaimi, Nuran Sayed Ahmad, Amri Al Shobki, Heba Raouf Ezzat. And Edited by Amro Al Shobki. This book is about seven case studies from various Arab countries based on the protests that raged in the Arab world since 2011. The aim of the cases is trying to understand the historical, subjective, political, economic…

Needs and Demands of Civil society in the Arab region A Field Study (Jordan- Tunisia-Lebanon-Morocco)

Egypt ,Iraq ,Jordan ,Lebanon ,Morocco ,TunisiaMain Researcher: Mohamed El Agati Field Researcher in Lebanon: Mona Khneisser Field Researcher in Tunisia: Nissaf Brahim Field Researcher in Jordan: Ali Assaf Field Researcher in Morocco: Aziz Sakri Research Assistant: Mina Samir During the past years, multiple studies focused on the relation between civil society organizations in the Arab region with the late developments in the region and its effect on the movement that the region is witnessing from around 10 years. Some studies perceived civil society as a core partner in creating the movement in the region others focused on the interaction of…

Paper: The problematics of alternative economy in the Arab region

Maan DammagAlgeria ,Egypt ,Iraq ,Jordan ,Lebanon ,Morocco ,Tunisia ,YemenEconomic policies played a major role in the revolutions staged in 2011 in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and Syria as well as protests that took place in other countries in the region such as Bahrain and Morocco. However, Arab revolutions are still mainly attributed to the authoritarian nature of ruling regimes. With the collapse of socialism in the Eastern Bloc, chances at finding an alternative to the capitalist system dwindled. Even the 2008 financial crisis did not lead to serious attempts at replacing the economic system that triggered this crisis and most…

Book: Alternative Economy in the Arab region “Concepts and Issues”

Ayman Abdel Moati ,Gennaro Gervasio ,Jana Nakhal ,Layla Al Riahi ,Marzouq Alnusf ,Mohamed ElAgati ,Nourredine Bessadi ,Raja Kassab ,Salama KelaAlgeria ,Egypt ,Iraq ,Jordan ,Lebanon ,Morocco ,Tunisia ,YemenUnderlining the drawbacks of the capitalist system and looking into alternative economic solutions started with a number of initiatives that began in the 19th century. These included the Paris Commune in 1871 and before it farmers’ revolts against feudalism, the Russian Revolution in 1917, the revolutionary waves of the 1920s and 1930s, and the alternative economic models initiated by workers and professionals in the late 20th century and the early 21st century. All these…

Commitment to the Party Line: Egyptian and International Experiences

Ahmed Fawzy ,Jacqui Smith ,Mohamed ElAgati ,Nick Sigler ,Sameh Makram EbeidEgyptOne cannot imagine that the crisis of party-line commitment faced by Egyptian political parties can be tackled or resolved without dealing with a key structural factor related to the process of establishing political parties following the Egyptian revolution. This was the historic moment that has ever since deeply affected the Egyptian political parties with its complications, manifestations, impacts and echo. The moments of the emergence of the Egyptian revolution and the first days of the revolution in the following 18 days were basically epic moments given the variety and diversity…

Regulating the private sector providing Health care in Egypt “Policy recommendation”

Ahmed El MetwallyEgyptThe problems of the private sector in the healthcare field: There is a substantial lack of information about the status of the private healthcare sector. According to the Ministry of Health in 2013, Egypt is home to 1,422 private healthcare units with a total of 32.6 thousand beds, 25% of hospital beds in Egypt. This is in addition to more than 82,000 private clinics across the different governorates. The private sector takes a relatively major part in offering health services to Egyptians, yet is rife with problems, related especially to regulating its activities and prices and evaluating the…

Reformation of public services The housing sector in Egypt: The Egyptian Rental Law Experiences and recommendations

Shimaa ElSharkawyEgyptIntroduction: A large number of Egyptians suffer from housing problems with the number of people living in unofficial housing units ranging between 12 and 20 million[1] while a large number of housing units in Egypt remain unoccupied. On the other hand, a study conducted about Cairo by UN Habitat[2] revealed that a sizable portion of Egyptians live in units that are either unsafe or not fit for living. Added to this is the fact that housing prices are generally high and this applies to both purchase and rent. The law regulating the relationship between owner and tenant is one…

Development of school curricula

Nayera Abdel RahmanEgyptThe education system in Egypt is facing numerous challenges on a variety of levels, which obstructs the materialization of the right to education with its different components as stated in Comment 13 on of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)[1]. Among those components are the quality of education and the way curricula are tailored to the students’ needs whether in terms of knowledge or skills. The 2011-2030 education strategic plan underlined the absence of a broad vision as far as developing curricula is concerned and relying in upgrading curricula on a fragmented approach that…

Medical negligence: Between the escalation of the problem, media exploitation of officials, and lack of a clear implementation mechanism

Norhan SheirefEgyptThe deterioration of medical services and the misadministration of the medical sector in Egypt have always been linked to the absence of monitoring and accountability. The problem has also been lately escalating with the rise in the number of patients who died as a result of medical negligence and made the phenomenon impossible to overlook. According to a statement by the Administrative Prosecution, the cases of medical negligence in public hospitals alone reached 594 in 2014. Constant demands for countering the problem of medical negligence only resulted in surprise visits to hospitals by officials, governors, or representatives from the…

Amendment of state and municipal public budget law in accordance with the economic and social rights of the 2014 Egyptian constitution

Reem Abdel HalimEgyptExecutive summary: The fair provision of public services has been quite problematic in a way that cannot be tackled just through adding a few articles to the constitution. These problems, instead, require legislative and administrative solutions that raise the citizens’ living standards through an equal distribution of services offered by the state. A major part of the problem lies in the way the state public budget is planned and administered. Several laws need to be amended through the intervention of members of parliament such as the State Public Budget Law number 53 for the year 1973 and its…

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