Social justice and and inequality Multiple dimensions

Housing policies in alternative economy: Against the commodification of public services

Shimaa ElSharkawy  Introduction: Housing policies in any given state are inseparable from the economic model adopted by this state and which usually ranges between dealing with housing as a right or as a commodity. The latter violates the social and economic right to adequate housing and shelter as stated in international charters and turns the housing sector into a business that only prioritizes profit and overlooks people’s ability at affording the commodities it offers. The liberalization of the housing market gave rise to a number of serious problems, on top of which is the phenomenon of “informal housing” where units…

The foundations of alternative economy

Wael Gamal Introduction: The Arab region was, like the rest of the world, swept by the global neoliberal model that was continuously promoted as the only option even after its policies were dealt a serious blow with the uprisings that took place in 2011. Those uprisings did, in fact, highlight the failure of such policies and demonstrated the urgent need for alternative ones, yet this was a temporary phase that was followed by an aggressive comeback of neoliberalism in the region. Supporters of an alternative economy are usually criticized for two main reasons that contradict each other, each of which…

Social disparities and class distinction in the Arab region

Abdelmawla Ismail ,Fadila Akkash ,Fathi alShamikhi ,Heba Khalil ,Joseph Daher ,Khalid Ali ,Maan Dammag ,Mohamed ElAgati ,Mongia Hedfi ,Muhammad Saeed alSaadi ,Omayma Kamal ,Said AL Hashmi ,Toufic Haddad ,Wassim Laabidi ,Zuhair TawfiqCapitalism has since the Industrial Revolution presented itself as the only way towards human progress and the ideal social system. According to capitalist ideologies, society is basically run by the elite in the form of those specialized in political and management sciences, finance, accountancy, and economics, which means a separation between the production process and the management process. In other words, society will be separated from the centers of…

Book: Alternative Economy in the Arab region “Concepts and Issues”

Ayman Abdel Moati ,Gennaro Gervasio ,Jana Nakhal ,Layla Al Riahi ,Marzouq Alnusf ,Mohamed ElAgati ,Nourredine Bessadi ,Raja Kassab ,Salama KelaAlgeria ,Egypt ,Iraq ,Jordan ,Lebanon ,Morocco ,Tunisia ,YemenUnderlining the drawbacks of the capitalist system and looking into alternative economic solutions started with a number of initiatives that began in the 19th century. These included the Paris Commune in 1871 and before it farmers’ revolts against feudalism, the Russian Revolution in 1917, the revolutionary waves of the 1920s and 1930s, and the alternative economic models initiated by workers and professionals in the late 20th century and the early 21st century. All these…

Social justice in the Arab region between street politics and political paths

Fathi alShamikhi ,Heba Khalil ,Mohamed ElAgati ,Omar Samir Khalaf ,Raja Kassab ,Salama Kela ,Shimaa ElSharkawy ,Toufic Haddad ,Wael GamalThe concept of social justice was reflected in the discourse of several Arab political platforms whether partisan, parliamentary, or presidential, yet this discourse remains detached from actual policies on the ground and some of them were even at times not in line with social justice to start with. Some of the approaches only focused on one dimension of social justice such as, for example, fair wages which being a main component of the comprehensive concept of social justice cannot be presented as…

Alternatives’ Papers – Third Issue (January 2016)

Arab Forum for Alternatives ,Layla Al Riahi ,Mohamed ElAgati ,Passant Ahmed ,Rania Zada ,Shimaa ElSharkawy ,Shorouk Al Hariri This issue Follow-ups Iranian nuclear program agreement and the future of the region Arab Forum for Alternatives Topic of the issue    Social movements… A step forward or an inevitable backlash? Passant Ahmed Youth Movements and democratic transformation in Egypt. Rania Zada Problematics of Arab civil society and social movements and their capacity to influence the issue of Social Justice: Tunisian civil society after the revolution. Dr. Layla Al-Riahi Issues Protecting civil rights and liberties in the light of international strategies and agreements.…

Regulating the private sector providing Health care in Egypt “Policy recommendation”

Ahmed El MetwallyEgyptThe problems of the private sector in the healthcare field: There is a substantial lack of information about the status of the private healthcare sector. According to the Ministry of Health in 2013, Egypt is home to 1,422 private healthcare units with a total of 32.6 thousand beds, 25% of hospital beds in Egypt. This is in addition to more than 82,000 private clinics across the different governorates. The private sector takes a relatively major part in offering health services to Egyptians, yet is rife with problems, related especially to regulating its activities and prices and evaluating the…

Reformation of public services The housing sector in Egypt: The Egyptian Rental Law Experiences and recommendations

Shimaa ElSharkawyEgyptIntroduction: A large number of Egyptians suffer from housing problems with the number of people living in unofficial housing units ranging between 12 and 20 million[1] while a large number of housing units in Egypt remain unoccupied. On the other hand, a study conducted about Cairo by UN Habitat[2] revealed that a sizable portion of Egyptians live in units that are either unsafe or not fit for living. Added to this is the fact that housing prices are generally high and this applies to both purchase and rent. The law regulating the relationship between owner and tenant is one…

Development of school curricula

Nayera Abdel RahmanEgyptThe education system in Egypt is facing numerous challenges on a variety of levels, which obstructs the materialization of the right to education with its different components as stated in Comment 13 on of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)[1]. Among those components are the quality of education and the way curricula are tailored to the students’ needs whether in terms of knowledge or skills. The 2011-2030 education strategic plan underlined the absence of a broad vision as far as developing curricula is concerned and relying in upgrading curricula on a fragmented approach that…

Medical negligence: Between the escalation of the problem, media exploitation of officials, and lack of a clear implementation mechanism

Norhan SheirefEgyptThe deterioration of medical services and the misadministration of the medical sector in Egypt have always been linked to the absence of monitoring and accountability. The problem has also been lately escalating with the rise in the number of patients who died as a result of medical negligence and made the phenomenon impossible to overlook. According to a statement by the Administrative Prosecution, the cases of medical negligence in public hospitals alone reached 594 in 2014. Constant demands for countering the problem of medical negligence only resulted in surprise visits to hospitals by officials, governors, or representatives from the…

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