On concept and practices of citizenship after the 2011 Egyptian Revolution and its impact on Strengthening Women’s rights

Arab Forum for Alternativesembeddoc url=”https://www.afalebanon.org/app/uploads/2018/02/On_concept_and_practices_of_citizenship_after_the_2011_Egyptian_Revolution_and_its_impact_on_Strengthening_WomenCus_rights.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google” text=”Download”] Arab forum for alternatives organized a project on the concept and practices of citizenship after the 2011 Egyptian Revolution and its impact on Strengthening Women’s rights, in partnership with Arab forum for citizenship in Transition, and International Peace Institute. The project aims to come up with policy recommendations on specific issues such as citizenship and political and civil rights, citizenship and economic and social rights, citizenship and civil society, religious institutions and the discourse of citizenship. The following are executive summaries of the policy papers: Women and citizenship: reading the religious capital:…

Policy recommendations to the European Union: Towards a positive role to achieve social justice in the Arab world

Heba Khalil   Arab revolutions have shown in the past years that the followed economic models that was backed by the European Union has failed to achieve the promised development goals, and resulted in a clear reduction in citizens’ access to economic and social rights. In spite of the endorsement of the European Union on that, it still adopts policies in the course of the Deauville partnership, which goes in line with international financial institutions, which are still promoting more liberalization of trade and finance, privatization and attracting foreign direct investment, as well as austerity in spending to meet the…

The coming parliament and social justice legislations

Reem Abdel HalimThe concept of social justice is not just a concept that is linked to economy in its technical sense, yet it has as well political dimensions, one of the most important dimensions is spreading the spirit and culture of peaceful coexistence among citizens, that citizens without the feeling of justice among themselves, the society cannot be in a state of stability, which in turn affects all various classes. The concept of economic and social justice in its legal framework is based on searching for legislations that hinder achievement of social justice in Egypt, and perhaps the most important…

Social Justice and the civil society between strategies of defense and development

Mohamed ElAgatiThe role of civil society in achieving social justice has emerged with its establishment in the very beginning, even if it was only excluded to the charitable aspect. The core idea was to improve the most marginalized and poor categories, even if the charitable work is not enough in that context. Civil society has reached a certain degree of maturity with the Arab revolutions. It attempted to play a pivotal role in achieving objectives of revolutions that raised certain slogans when they emerged and social justice was in the heart of them either directly or through other slogans such…

Political parties… Toward an active role in adoption of more just policies and legislations

Omar Samir KhalafIntroduction: After the January 25th 2011 revolution, there were several new political parties that have emerged in the context of opening the public space and freedom to form political parties and diminishing previous restrictions on the process of creating parties, as this process was subject to the ruling party in terms of criteria and application. Hence, we saw the emergence of many political parties in the past four years, though few of them were effectively working, no matter what, these new parties are considered among gains of the revolution, and political parties are means to achieve policies that…

Political Parties’ Guide to Building Coalitions

Nick Harvey ,Nick Sigler ,Rania ZadaA coalition or electoral alliance is a vehicle by which like-minded political parties can come together to fight an election and/or to collaborate in parliament in order to ensure that their voice and their political beliefs have a better chance of being heard. This is based on the principle that in order to achieve anything in a democracy it is usually far easier when done collectively. And by making it easier for smaller parties to get elected, coalitions or alliances are also a means by which minority views can be heard.

Religious institutions in constitutional documents in Arab spring countries (Egypt- Tunisia-Morocco-Yemen)

Mahmoud Bayoumi ,Mohamed ElAgatiThis paper is a result of a closed round table discussion; it expresses the personal opinion of its writers and does not necessarily express the opinion of the Arab Forum for Alternatives or Global Partners Governance The emergence of political Islam after the Arab Spring revolutions raised multiple and sometimes conflictive questions about changes in the religious field. And this was coincided with an atmosphere of Islamic-secular polarity in countries of the Arab Spring especially Egypt and Tunisia and to a certain extent Yemen and Morocco, and acquisitions of controlling religious institutions in order to strength legitimacy…

Judiciary in Constitutional documents in Arab Spring countries (Egypt- Tunisia- Morocco- Yemen)

Mahmoud Bayoumi ,Mohamed ElAgatiJudiciary is one of the main pillars of balance between the three authorities and it plays an important role in the democratic transformation process. It is no doubt that the Arab Spring made radical changes in this field that created an important chance to enhance independence and neutrality of judiciary. The Status quo in the Arab world is confusing, thus, it created different reactions either from the judiciary itself or from different political powers. From here comes the importance of studying the status of judiciary in Arab constitutional documents to have a clear understanding of changes that…

Media in constitutional documents in Arab spring countries (Egypt- Tunisia-Morocco-Yemen)

Mahmoud Bayoumi ,Mohamed ElAgatiThis paper is a result of a closed round table discussion; it expresses the personal opinion of its writers and does not necessarily express the opinion of the Arab Forum for Alternatives or Global Partners Governance     Media plays a crucial role in the era of globalization either in transferring information or creating the conscious of spectators. Mass media had an important role in the Arab Spring revolutions, in which open space contributed in curbing control of authoritarian regimes over media and information. In past times, media was controlled completely by the state until revolutions and…

Youth Movements Post January 25th Liberation thoughts in face of Mubarak’s institutions

Georges FahmiYouth movements, that became very active during the transitional period and till now, are among the most important manifestations of new ideas of aiming at changing the rules of the political game after the January 25th revolution. This paper aims at analyzing work and activities of these youth movements and nature of challenges they face pursuing changing the rules of the political game after the revolution and to what extent they can replace these rules with new ones. First: New ideas and liberating the public space: Part of the youth chose to engage in civic activities and social movements…

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