Political transformations and social movements Developments and visions

New Constitutions for Turkey and Egypt Conflict and Consensus in Two Constitutional Traditions

Patrick Scharfe  As different as the two countries are, Turkey and Egypt both find themselves undergoing a fundamental reassessment of their political systems.  Most importantly, both countries confront the formidable task of re-writing their constitutions, even in the face of deep political divisions and distrust.  The two countries have a history of successive constitutions, all of which thus far have had a legitimacy deficit.  Today’s constitutional reform processes seek to remedy this deficit, although recent constitutional alterations made for this purpose have not, however, brought about the desired stability or legitimacy.  This year, two constitutional committees have been at work…

Conference Report on the future of Iranian-Egyptian relations, September 10, 2012

The Arab Forum for Alternatives (AFA) organized a conference entitled “The future of Iranian- Egyptian Relations”, which was held at the AFA premises on the 10th of September 2012. The session was presided by Dr. Amr ElShobaki, AFA’s president; and had as main speakers: Dr, Nevine Mossad, Political Science Professor at Cairo University, and H.E Ambassador Khaled Emara, the head of the Egyptian Diplomatic Mission to Iran. First Speaker: Dr. Nevine Mossaad (Political Science Professor, Cairo University) On July 30, 2012, Egypt moved to a second transitional stage. Will this stage represent a qualitative difference to what was before the…

Transparency , international standards & Egyptian context

Andrew Puddephatt ,Kholoud Khaled ,Mohamed ElAgati ,Omar Samir Khalaf ,Rebecca ZausmerEgyptOpenness and transparency have become defining features of democracies around the world. Governments that are open and transparent are more accountable to their citizens and less corrupt. What is more, openness generates trust in government and also paves the way for meaningful participation by citizens and more informed and better policies.

The New Egyptian Constitution.. Experiences and Challenges (Conference and Research Papers)

The Arab Forum for AlternativesEgyptThe Arab Reform Initiative (ARI) in cooperation with the Arab Forum for Alternatives (AFA) held a conference on 22-23 February 2012, in Cairo entitled “The New Egyptian Constitution: Experiences and Challenges”. Researchers from Egypt, Brazil, Turkey, Greece and France took part in the event, as did representatives of various Egyptian political parties and relevant civil society organisations and research centres. The conference reviewed and analysed the history and background of different Egyptian basic texts and constitutions, and the main challenges associated with drafting the new Egyptian constitution. The sessions focussed in detail on the challenges and…

Policy Recommendation Paper Transparency and Open Government

The Arab Forum for AlternativesA 2-day conference was held by the Arab Forum for Alternatives and Global Partners Association along with 20 experts and 60 participants among them Toby Mendel ( International expert and United Nations blog on Right to Information) and Andrew Pudephatt ( the Manager of Global Partners Association and the former Manager of Article 19 Association), and Egyptian experts like; Mr. Yehia Hussien (the Manager of Leadership and Management Development Center) , Dr. Maguid Osman ( former Minister of Transportation), Ms. Omnia Hussien ( the Manager of Transparency International Organization in Egypt), Mr. Yasser Abdel-Aziz ( Media…

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