أيمن عبد المعطي

Publication of the Arab Forum for Alternatives on social movements and democratic transition in the Arab region (January 2024)

Arab Forum for Alternatives Since its foundation, the Arab Forum for Alternatives has been dealing with the Arab region as a unified entity for despite the specificity of each country, all countries in the region are constantly influenced by one another. This was particularly demonstrated in the uprisings that took place in the region. The Arab region witnessed two waves of the Arab Spring. The first started in Tunisia in December 2010 and included Egypt, Yemen, Syria, Libya, and Bahrain while the second started in Sudan in December 2018 and included Algeria, Lebanon, and Iraq. The two waves cannot be…

Ongoing Israeli Aggression:

Arab Forum for AlternativesPalestine “Yes, that’s my mother… I recognize her by the hair.” Introduction: A new round of the conflict: The conflict between Israeli occupation forces and Palestinian resistance in Gaza constitutes a major phase in the Arab-Israeli conflict and provides striking evidence that the occupation of Palestine has not ended with the Oslo Agreement as many had claimed. In fact, what Oslo did was securing “a deluxe occupation” for Israel as several Zionist analysts put it at the time.[1] This meant that the Palestinian Authority would repress the Palestinian people as Israel besieges them while invading their lands…

A Talk on Addressing inequalities from a global perspective

Azfar Khan Addressing inequalities from a global perspective[1] Prof. Azfar Khan[2] This disposition to admire …the rich and powerful, and to…neglect, persons of poor and mean condition…is at the same time, the great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments. Adam Smith Theory of Moral Sentiments   One might think that talking about ‘inequality’ and its manifestations would be a fairly routine chore. After all, it is an issue that has been touted by academics, policy makers, labour representatives and political activists for some time now as a salient concern in our world today. There have…

Press Release | Unchecked inequalities could threaten UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, according to social science report

The World Social Science Report, Challenging Inequalities – Pathways to a Just World warns that unchecked inequalities could jeopardize the sustainability of economies, societies and communities, undermining efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. The Report is now published in Arabic thanks to the generous contribution made by the Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud Charitable Foundation – Saudi Arabia. It will be launched on 13-14 September 2018 at the American University of Beirut (AUB) in collaboration with its Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies (SOAM) and the Arab Alternatives Forum (AFA). The first day the report will…

Paper: The problematics of alternative economy in the Arab region

Maan DammagAlgeria ,Egypt ,Iraq ,Jordan ,Lebanon ,Morocco ,Tunisia ,YemenEconomic policies played a major role in the revolutions staged in 2011 in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and Syria as well as protests that took place in other countries in the region such as Bahrain and Morocco. However, Arab revolutions are still mainly attributed to the authoritarian nature of ruling regimes. With the collapse of socialism in the Eastern Bloc, chances at finding an alternative to the capitalist system dwindled. Even the 2008 financial crisis did not lead to serious attempts at replacing the economic system that triggered this crisis and most…

The quest for an alternative economy: Social activism in Tunisia as a case in point

Layla Al RiahiIntroduction: The restructuring of development patterns has for a long time been part of the official discourse of all political players in Tunisia, whether governments or opposition factions, political parties or trade unions, right wing or left wing, since the winter of 2010. Despite consensus over the necessity of restructuring the Tunisian economy, the level of political will required to achieve this end was never reached throughout the past seven years despite the relatively substantial political changes that took place during that time and the continuation of lobbying by social movements. According to al-Saghir al-Salihi, the absence of…

Towards an alternative participatory economy: The role of the state

Heba Khalil  Introduction: Any plan for an alternative economy that goes beyond the current capitalist system requires a state with an independent administration as far as decision-making is concerned, one that is well connected to society and the private sector, especially different forms of production including cooperatives and labor unions. The existence of an independent and uncorrupt administrative structure is one of the most important steps for the transition to an alternative economy that replaces that current neoliberal order and challenges the dominant capitalist discourse. Such administration would protect the economy from its enemies both on the domestic and foreign…

Environmental citizenship: On equal access to natural resources

Abdelmawla Ismail  Introduction:    The environment is among the most vital sectors that are constantly being subjected to monopoly and control attempts by multi-nationals that aim at integrating environmental resources such as land, water, and renewable energy into neoliberal markets. In doing so, those corporations aim at turning resources from services whose main purpose is serving citizens into commodities that should yield profit, hence putting pressure on locals whose livelihood depends on those resources and triggering a major deterioration in the living conditions of farmers, fishermen, shepherds, and others. The aim of the paper: The paper attempts to envision a…

Alternatives’ Papers, Fifth Issue (January 2018)

Adriana RuizRestrepo ,Caroline Barbary ,Mina Samir ,Mohamed ElAgati ,Yasmin Ayman  This issue Follow-ups The Forgotten Yemen: the role of international community in Yemen.            1 Yasmin Ayman  Issues Availability of information and National Security      13 Topic of the Issue (Citizenship right between politics and violence): Citizenship challenges and its effect on minorities in the Arab region.    18 Mohamed El Agati Targeting Christians in Sinai … targeting upon identity or part of a broader strategy.  25 Mina Samir  Another youth “Coptic youth” in the Egyptian revolution: politicization and engagement through Maspero Youth Union … Reading a study of…

International institutions in an alternative economy

Rasha Abu ZakiThe Bretton Woods Conference was held 73 years ago. Ever since, the institutions that emerged from this conference have witnessed a number of transformations, faced waves of criticism and engaged in self-criticism, and expanded their influence and promoted their financial policies across a large number of countries all over the world. Despite the financial character of these institutions, their impact transcended the economy to encompass culture, society, and human rights among others. In 1944, the United States was on its way to become the world’s superpower. After going through several fluctuations that included phases of economic stagnation, the…

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