
Social disparities and class distinction in the Arab region

Abdelmawla Ismail ,Fadila Akkash ,Fathi alShamikhi ,Heba Khalil ,Joseph Daher ,Khalid Ali ,Maan Dammag ,Mohamed ElAgati ,Mongia Hedfi ,Muhammad Saeed alSaadi ,Omayma Kamal ,Said AL Hashmi ,Toufic Haddad ,Wassim Laabidi ,Zuhair TawfiqCapitalism has since the Industrial Revolution presented itself as the only way towards human progress and the ideal social system. According to capitalist ideologies, society is basically run by the elite in the form of those specialized in political and management sciences, finance, accountancy, and economics, which means a separation between the production process and the management process. In other words, society will be separated from the centers of…

Book: Alternative Economy in the Arab region “Concepts and Issues”

Ayman Abdel Moati ,Gennaro Gervasio ,Jana Nakhal ,Layla Al Riahi ,Marzouq Alnusf ,Mohamed ElAgati ,Nourredine Bessadi ,Raja Kassab ,Salama KelaAlgeria ,Egypt ,Iraq ,Jordan ,Lebanon ,Morocco ,Tunisia ,YemenUnderlining the drawbacks of the capitalist system and looking into alternative economic solutions started with a number of initiatives that began in the 19th century. These included the Paris Commune in 1871 and before it farmers’ revolts against feudalism, the Russian Revolution in 1917, the revolutionary waves of the 1920s and 1930s, and the alternative economic models initiated by workers and professionals in the late 20th century and the early 21st century. All these…

The reformation of official religious institutions in Tunisia, Egypt, and Yemen

Asmaa NoweiraIntroduction: The issue of reforming religious institutions has been given priority in Arab Spring countries since the eruption of the revolutions in 2011. This was mainly the result of the growing influence of religious figures in these countries during the transitional stage and the impact they started having on the political scene. Religion has also been a major part of the political and societal debates that abounded during that time. The religious scene in Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen was affected by the developments the region witnessed and was, consequently, involved in projects that focused on the reformation of official…

Local Administration: the effect of the gap between legislation and practice on principles of Good governance

Nahla MahmoudThis paper deals, through research and analysis, with the effect of the gap between legislation and practice -with regard to local management- on good governance in Egypt. This paper can be divided into four main parts:  the first part is a summary on the general context and current conditions in Egypt; the second part focuses on the gap between the new amended constitution and the applicable law No. 43 of 1979 as well as the gap between legislations and practice on the level of local management; the third part highlights – at the same context – the effect of…

US presidential elections: foreign policy candidate’s program Analysis

Arab Forum for Alternatives Introduction: Presidential elections in the United States come at a critical time for foreign policy. The next American Administration will be facing a number of international crises, many of which associated with the Middle East. US-Russian relations have gone sour since the annexation of Crimea, which constitutes a threat to US NATO allies, and most recently over the Syrian conflict. Added to this are the remarkable escalation of terrorist operations and the unprecedented influx of refugees mostly from regions in which the US has been intervening in one way or another. The upcoming elections, due to…

US presidential elections: Domestic affairs candidate’s program Analysis

Arab Forum for AlternativesIntroduction: The 2016 US presidential elections are quite unique whether in terms of the candidates or the domestic context in which the elections are held. This paper focuses on the most significant domestic challenges that will face the future president of the United States, on top of which are economic issues such as growth rates, international trade, social security, taxes, and unequal pay. This is followed by the issue of citizenship, which has lately been jeopardized following police violations against African American citizens, as well as immigration and woman rights. The two candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald…

The Colombian Peace Process and the new role of Civil Society

Adriana RuizRestrepo In Colombia, only the very elderly can answer the question of how the country was when it was at peace. The remainder of the population has to resort to their imagination, literary descriptions, theoretical projections, or travel experiences in other countries to try to understand how it is live and move about in peace at any given time and place.  The vast majority of contemporary civil society in Colombia has been living in contexts of fear and insecurity on a daily basis. Many have faced a series of tragedies while others have had to accustom themselves to the…

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