Sonia Farid

“Rent Pattern in Egypt: Between Policies and Legislations”, and its political Recommendations

Shimaa El Sharkawy ,Shimaa ElSharkawyEgyptMohammad Ramadan and Mohammad El Agati. This paper is divided to two parts, the first one provides a vision of how to fix the relationship between the landlord and the tenant through government intervention by two steps: the first one through legislation, and the second one through the efficient implementation of the project and the work on rent control. The second paper discusses the disadvantages of the proposed rent law, outlining an alternative legislative proposal that envisages the relationship between landlords and tenants. The first paper is divided into an introduction, five sections, conclusion and recommendations.…

Medication in Egypt: between right and drug policies: Policy recommendation papers

Ahmed El Metwally ,Norhan SheirefEgyptAlia Ibrahim, Mohamed Salem The right to medicine is one of the most important components of the health care system in the world. The United Nations considers it an integral part of the right to health principle. In addition, medicine is essential for all human beings in all societies because of its direct relationship to the right to physical integrity and life. The task of providing medicines at fair prices in Egypt was one of the main features of the state’s perception in the Nasserist era of social justice and self-sufficiency. Through the industrialization of the…

Social Justice and public Policies in Egypt

EgyptEdited by: Mohamed El Agati Hania Sobhi, Heba Wanis, Mohamed Gad, Shimaa El Sharkawy, Mohamed El Agati Social justice concept is contested concept, and there is no consensus about it, some believe it is an abstract concept that is only aiming at highlighting a certain policy or a suggestion that a speaker wants us to support. While many others believe that, it is concept that can be translated into certain indicators that can be achieved through adopting certain policies especially when it is related to social problems such as inequality, unemployment, unjust allocation and distribution of resources. One of the…

On developing public services through public budgeting to achieve social justice in Egypt

Reem Abdel HalimEgyptPolicy recommendations paper Radwa El Kholy The paper examines the public budget as one of the means by which social justice can be achieved in provision of public services. The focus in the paper was on four sectors: education, housing, health and social security. The significance of the public budget is that it reflects economic, political and social orientation of the government. As well, the process of allocating resources to government bodies for various purposes is essentially a political process. The public budget in Egypt, in its current form and its organized law, reflects the structural stages of…

Institutional Reform: Judiciary in Egypt- theoretical foundations and challenges

Algeria ,Egypt ,Iraq ,Jordan ,Lebanon ,Morocco ,Tunisia ,YemenBy Youssef Ouf 1 This paper is a case study in the book titled Institutional reform in the Arab region (Media, Judiciary, and religious), which is published by AFA in 2016. The paper refers to the Theoretical foundations of the historical attempts to reform Egyptian Judiciary system, and protracted challenges. Ouf tackling the constitutional and law context of the judiciary system in Egypt by referring to the independence of the judiciary as an essential insurance for the check and balance of authorities. The paper presents the divisions of the judicial authority in Egypt,…

Paper: The problematics of alternative economy in the Arab region

Maan DammagAlgeria ,Egypt ,Iraq ,Jordan ,Lebanon ,Morocco ,Tunisia ,YemenEconomic policies played a major role in the revolutions staged in 2011 in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and Syria as well as protests that took place in other countries in the region such as Bahrain and Morocco. However, Arab revolutions are still mainly attributed to the authoritarian nature of ruling regimes. With the collapse of socialism in the Eastern Bloc, chances at finding an alternative to the capitalist system dwindled. Even the 2008 financial crisis did not lead to serious attempts at replacing the economic system that triggered this crisis and most…

Housing policies in alternative economy: Against the commodification of public services

Shimaa ElSharkawy  Introduction: Housing policies in any given state are inseparable from the economic model adopted by this state and which usually ranges between dealing with housing as a right or as a commodity. The latter violates the social and economic right to adequate housing and shelter as stated in international charters and turns the housing sector into a business that only prioritizes profit and overlooks people’s ability at affording the commodities it offers. The liberalization of the housing market gave rise to a number of serious problems, on top of which is the phenomenon of “informal housing” where units…

The foundations of alternative economy

Wael Gamal Introduction: The Arab region was, like the rest of the world, swept by the global neoliberal model that was continuously promoted as the only option even after its policies were dealt a serious blow with the uprisings that took place in 2011. Those uprisings did, in fact, highlight the failure of such policies and demonstrated the urgent need for alternative ones, yet this was a temporary phase that was followed by an aggressive comeback of neoliberalism in the region. Supporters of an alternative economy are usually criticized for two main reasons that contradict each other, each of which…

Book: Alternative Economy in the Arab region “Concepts and Issues”

Ayman Abdel Moati ,Gennaro Gervasio ,Jana Nakhal ,Layla Al Riahi ,Marzouq Alnusf ,Mohamed ElAgati ,Nourredine Bessadi ,Raja Kassab ,Salama KelaAlgeria ,Egypt ,Iraq ,Jordan ,Lebanon ,Morocco ,Tunisia ,YemenUnderlining the drawbacks of the capitalist system and looking into alternative economic solutions started with a number of initiatives that began in the 19th century. These included the Paris Commune in 1871 and before it farmers’ revolts against feudalism, the Russian Revolution in 1917, the revolutionary waves of the 1920s and 1930s, and the alternative economic models initiated by workers and professionals in the late 20th century and the early 21st century. All these…

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