Omar Samir Khalaf

The Left and the Arab Revolutions

Abbas Merza AlMorshed ,Ayman Abdel Moati ,Beshri Maktari ,Georges Fahmi ,Habiba Mohsen ,Mohamed ElAgati ,Omar Samir Khalaf ,Salama Kela ,Sonia AlTamimiIt seemed that the Arab revolutions came at the backdrop of a somehow clear absence of the Left factions and forces at the level of action as well as at the level of political impact in the Arab street on the different causes and concerns of the citizens. Still, Leftist forces, old as well as other new ones, born from the womb of the conflict in the last years of the new millennium, have tried to play different roles in…

Political Participation of the Youth post-Revolution

Omar Samir KhalafThe youth of Egypt played a vital role in the January 25th revolution and were on the initial driving forces behind the movement. After the revolution, many of them decided to remain politicized and active. This paper attempts to track the activities of the youth in the political sphere following the uprising. It is important to note that January 25th was not the first time, in recent times at least, the youth took to the streets to have their voices heard. Significant participation of the youth was noted during the Palestinian Intifada in Egypt of 2000, the Kefaya…

Transparency , international standards & Egyptian context

Andrew Puddephatt ,Kholoud Khaled ,Mohamed ElAgati ,Omar Samir Khalaf ,Rebecca ZausmerEgyptOpenness and transparency have become defining features of democracies around the world. Governments that are open and transparent are more accountable to their citizens and less corrupt. What is more, openness generates trust in government and also paves the way for meaningful participation by citizens and more informed and better policies.

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