Mohamed ElAgati

Alternatives’ Papers – Third Issue (January 2016)

Arab Forum for Alternatives ,Layla Al Riahi ,Mohamed ElAgati ,Passant Ahmed ,Rania Zada ,Shimaa ElSharkawy ,Shorouk Al Hariri This issue Follow-ups Iranian nuclear program agreement and the future of the region Arab Forum for Alternatives Topic of the issue    Social movements… A step forward or an inevitable backlash? Passant Ahmed Youth Movements and democratic transformation in Egypt. Rania Zada Problematics of Arab civil society and social movements and their capacity to influence the issue of Social Justice: Tunisian civil society after the revolution. Dr. Layla Al-Riahi Issues Protecting civil rights and liberties in the light of international strategies and agreements.…

Euro-Mediterranean relations: What went wrong? Towards a long-term relation and the role of think tanks in this process

Mohamed ElAgati[1] This intervention focuses on tackling the methodology of the Euro-Med relations process rather than discussing particular events and incidents. First, I can describe the approach to this issue as problematic since it is based on a short-term view built on risk and interest assessment and measured mainly on trade balances. With the US/Russia current hegemony, like in the case of the current crisis in Syria, wise relations should target the long term and be based on opportunities and challenges’ assessments and measured on the capacity of cooperation and conducting dialogue between different stakeholders (not risk and interest). Measuring this…

Alternatives’ Papers, Second Issue (July 2015)

Ali Hassan ,Arab Forum for Alternatives ,Mina Samir ,Mohamed ElAgati ,Omar Samir Khalaf  This issue Follow-ups · Yemeni crisis…an unfinished revolution 1 (A follow-up paper) Topic of the issue · Rise of the left…will it save Greece?: Reading parliamentarian elections results. )A follow-up paper) · What is happening inside the Turkish AK (Justice and Development) party? Ali Hassan · Reading the Sudanese elections. (A follow-up paper) · Knesset Elections: a look at the united Arab list. 38 (A follow-up paper) Issues · Development of citizenship between liberal political philosophy and Egyptian reality. 44 Mina Samir Book of the issue ·…

Social Justice and the civil society between strategies of defense and development

Mohamed ElAgatiThe role of civil society in achieving social justice has emerged with its establishment in the very beginning, even if it was only excluded to the charitable aspect. The core idea was to improve the most marginalized and poor categories, even if the charitable work is not enough in that context. Civil society has reached a certain degree of maturity with the Arab revolutions. It attempted to play a pivotal role in achieving objectives of revolutions that raised certain slogans when they emerged and social justice was in the heart of them either directly or through other slogans such…

Social Justice: Concept and Policies after the Arab Revolutions

Ayman Abdel Moati ,Fadila Akkash ,Fathi alShamikhi ,Fuad ElSalahi ,Gilbert Ashkar ,Heba Khalil ,Layla Al Riahi ,MahaYahya ,Mohamed ElAgati ,Muhammad Saeed alSaadi ,Rasha Abu Zaki ,Salameh Keileh ,Victorious Bayan Shams ,Wael GamalWhen the Arab revolutions erupted in early 2011, social justice was one of the core direct demands, as well as an indirect demand through the use of slogans such as “dignity” and “freedom”. These two demands are basically associated with social justice in one way or the other. Thus, we cannot underestimate the role of the economic conditions that lack social justice in the outbreak of these revolutions. If…

Religious institutions in constitutional documents in Arab spring countries (Egypt- Tunisia-Morocco-Yemen)

Mahmoud Bayoumi ,Mohamed ElAgatiThis paper is a result of a closed round table discussion; it expresses the personal opinion of its writers and does not necessarily express the opinion of the Arab Forum for Alternatives or Global Partners Governance The emergence of political Islam after the Arab Spring revolutions raised multiple and sometimes conflictive questions about changes in the religious field. And this was coincided with an atmosphere of Islamic-secular polarity in countries of the Arab Spring especially Egypt and Tunisia and to a certain extent Yemen and Morocco, and acquisitions of controlling religious institutions in order to strength legitimacy…

Judiciary in Constitutional documents in Arab Spring countries (Egypt- Tunisia- Morocco- Yemen)

Mahmoud Bayoumi ,Mohamed ElAgatiJudiciary is one of the main pillars of balance between the three authorities and it plays an important role in the democratic transformation process. It is no doubt that the Arab Spring made radical changes in this field that created an important chance to enhance independence and neutrality of judiciary. The Status quo in the Arab world is confusing, thus, it created different reactions either from the judiciary itself or from different political powers. From here comes the importance of studying the status of judiciary in Arab constitutional documents to have a clear understanding of changes that…

Political Parties and Public Opinion in Egypt

Greg Power ,Mohamed ElAgati ,Nick Harvey ,Nick Sigler ,Sobhi esselaThe purpose of commissioning this poll was to offer all the political parties in Egypt some insight into the issues that most concern the public, the public’s opinion of parties as a whole, and what would be more likely to make them vote for particular candidates and parties.

Media in constitutional documents in Arab spring countries (Egypt- Tunisia-Morocco-Yemen)

Mahmoud Bayoumi ,Mohamed ElAgatiThis paper is a result of a closed round table discussion; it expresses the personal opinion of its writers and does not necessarily express the opinion of the Arab Forum for Alternatives or Global Partners Governance     Media plays a crucial role in the era of globalization either in transferring information or creating the conscious of spectators. Mass media had an important role in the Arab Spring revolutions, in which open space contributed in curbing control of authoritarian regimes over media and information. In past times, media was controlled completely by the state until revolutions and…

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