Jana Nakhal

Book: Alternative Economy in the Arab region “Concepts and Issues”

Ayman Abdel Moati ,Gennaro Gervasio ,Jana Nakhal ,Layla Al Riahi ,Marzouq Alnusf ,Mohamed ElAgati ,Nourredine Bessadi ,Raja Kassab ,Salama KelaAlgeria ,Egypt ,Iraq ,Jordan ,Lebanon ,Morocco ,Tunisia ,YemenUnderlining the drawbacks of the capitalist system and looking into alternative economic solutions started with a number of initiatives that began in the 19th century. These included the Paris Commune in 1871 and before it farmers’ revolts against feudalism, the Russian Revolution in 1917, the revolutionary waves of the 1920s and 1930s, and the alternative economic models initiated by workers and professionals in the late 20th century and the early 21st century. All these…

Youths and Radical Groups from the Perspective of Youths

Ali AlMamouri ,Amr ElShobaki ,Anna Fleischer ,Ayman Abdel Moati ,Baligh Al Mekhlafi ,Bilal el Amine ,Cristina Casbon ,Fouad Ghorbali ,Georges Fahmi ,Habiba Mohsen ,Hazim Fouad ,Jana Nakhal ,Jerome Drevon ,Labib Ismail ,Mavie Maher ,Mohamed ElAgati ,Mohamed Sahbi Khalafoui ,Omar Fassatoui ,Omar Samir Khalaf ,Rabha Allam ,Rouba El Helou ,Sahar Mandour ,Samiha ALHamdi ,Sara Soujar ,Sezer OZCAN ,Sheirf Mohieldin ,Yassin BazzazRadical religious groups witnessed three phases of transformation in their contemporary history. They started with big jihadi organizations then were reduced to small cells until big organizations made a powerful comeback that was distinguished by the use of tactics that were…

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