Populism and alternative discourse: The case of the Arab region

Despite the abundance of studies that tackled the Arab region, there are still many issues that require deeper analysis and a more comprehensive insight. The different political and social changes, many of which are radical and multifaceted, through which the region has been going underlines the necessity of looking for new approaches and reconsidering concepts that have for a long time dominated academic circles and are possibly no longer valid. Such changes give rise to a number of questions that have never been posed before.

For a long time, and not without reason, we got accustomed to a conviction that the Arab world and the Middle East are in a constant state of tension. This led researchers to overlook developments that transformed this quite bearable tension into a potentially explosive situation, therefore becoming unable to gain a deep insight into the impact of such developments in reshaping the region and to examine alternative scenarios as far as security and stability are concerned. 

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