Alternatives’ Papers, the first issue, April 2015
Arab Forum for Alternatives ,Georges Fahmi ,Heba Khalil ,Rabha Seif ,Sameh Fawzy ,Shimaa ElSharkawy

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This Issue:


French from Arabic origins: crisis of integration. A Follow –up paper

Future of Egyptian-Saudi relations in he light of regional and international changes. A Follow –up paper


Al-Azhar and Democratic transformation in Egypt. Dr. Georges Sarwat Fahmi

Syria: Military interactions momentum on a moving map. Rabha Seif Allam

Women and Citizenship: Reading the religious capital. Dr. Sameh Fawzy

Book of the issue

Book Review: Reinventing Democracy (From Greece to Occupy) Shimaa Elsharkawy


Policy recommendation for the European Union towards a positive role to

achieve social justice in the Arab world . Heba Khalil


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