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Forum Team

Director of the Arab Forum for Alternatives (AFA)Mohamed ElِAgatiDirector of the Arab Forum for Alternatives Researcher & Director of the Arab Forum for Alternatives Social science researcher and Civil society expert, M. Sc. degree in Political Development from Cairo University, Faculty of Economics & Political Sciences, in 2001. El Agati has an extensive experience in the field of non-profit management, as well as researches’ teams, events, and project's coordination. He worked with diverse range of civil society organization active in development and rights from different countries. He is a sspecialist in the field of political reform in the Arab region,…

Alternatives’ Papers, Fifth Issue (January 2018)

Adriana RuizRestrepo ,Caroline Barbary ,Mina Samir ,Mohamed ElAgati ,Yasmin Ayman  This issue Follow-ups The Forgotten Yemen: the role of international community in Yemen.            1 Yasmin Ayman  Issues Availability of information and National Security      13 Topic of the Issue (Citizenship right between politics and violence): Citizenship challenges and its effect on minorities in the Arab region.    18 Mohamed El Agati Targeting Christians in Sinai … targeting upon identity or part of a broader strategy.  25 Mina Samir  Another youth “Coptic youth” in the Egyptian revolution: politicization and engagement through Maspero Youth Union … Reading a study of…

Sudan protests and the prospects of change

Omar Samir Khalaf ,Shimaa El Sharkawy ,Shimaa ElSharkawyIntroduction: Throughout its history, Sudan witnessed two successful revolutions, one in 1964 and another in 1986, and went through a number of incomplete democratic transitions. Under Bashir’s 30-year rule, several uprisings erupted against his economic policies or his wars on several regions including Darfur or South Sudan. With the eruption of Arab Spring revolutions, limited student protests were staged on January 30, 2011 against corruption, price hikes, and the uncertainty of the country’s future in the wake of South Sudan’s secession. The protests mainly took place at the universities of Khartoum and Omdurman.…

Religious institutions Reform in Yemen

YemenBaligh Al Mekhlafi This paper is part of a project that aimed at introducing a vision on institutions reform in the Arab region that tackled media, judiciary and religious institutions in three countries Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen. The paper’s focus is identifying the core problems in religious institutions in Yemen and approaching recommendations to tackle these problems. Religious institutions in Yemen are entitled to run the religious issues such as Endowments, Fatwa, houses of worship as well as religious guidance and in the framework of these aspects, the activities undertaken by these institutions vary from solely religious roles to social…

Politics… and Beware Of It.. The Lebanese Parliamentary Elections, 2018: The Reproduction of the Ruling Class and the Conflict between Alternatives

Mona KhneisserLebanonThis paper is a case study about the 2018 Lebanese Parliamentary elections, and it is written by researcher Mona Khneiser the researcher at AFA as an edition of the follow up papers that the Forum publish regularly. This paper examines the success or failure of the recent Lebanese Parliamentary elections, which took place under a new electoral law, in making a real change at the level of the ruling political elite. This paper highlights the experience of civic initiatives that have contested the traditional power parties through elections, and examines the results of the elections based on the success or…

The New Egyptian Constitution.. Experiences and Challenges (Conference and Research Papers)

The Arab Forum for AlternativesEgyptThe Arab Reform Initiative (ARI) in cooperation with the Arab Forum for Alternatives (AFA) held a conference on 22-23 February 2012, in Cairo entitled “The New Egyptian Constitution: Experiences and Challenges”. Researchers from Egypt, Brazil, Turkey, Greece and France took part in the event, as did representatives of various Egyptian political parties and relevant civil society organisations and research centres. The conference reviewed and analysed the history and background of different Egyptian basic texts and constitutions, and the main challenges associated with drafting the new Egyptian constitution. The sessions focussed in detail on the challenges and…

Electoral Campaigns (Strategies and challenges)

Habiba Mohsen ,Mohamed ElAgati ,Nick Harvey ,Nick Sigler ,Rania ZadaEgyptThe book aims to discuss different strategies used in managing election campaigns, focusing on the case of parliamentary elections in 2011 and the way various political and party blocs stood for election amid the difficult circumstances during the transitional period that followed the January 25 Revolution. At the end of every chapter, an international expert in the field of election campaign management will set out a number of recommendations and summarize international experience in this field

Conference Report on the future of Iranian-Egyptian relations, September 10, 2012

The Arab Forum for Alternatives (AFA) organized a conference entitled “The future of Iranian- Egyptian Relations”, which was held at the AFA premises on the 10th of September 2012. The session was presided by Dr. Amr ElShobaki, AFA’s president; and had as main speakers: Dr, Nevine Mossad, Political Science Professor at Cairo University, and H.E Ambassador Khaled Emara, the head of the Egyptian Diplomatic Mission to Iran. First Speaker: Dr. Nevine Mossaad (Political Science Professor, Cairo University) On July 30, 2012, Egypt moved to a second transitional stage. Will this stage represent a qualitative difference to what was before the…

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