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The Egyptian Experience in Dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic: Between Politics and the Media

Egypt In dealing with the Covid-19 crisis, the Egyptian government tended to focus more on the message communicated via the media and political considerations than on the professional and scientific dimensions of the pandemic – despite their presence at times. The government also witnessed the emergence of a social dichotomy in dealing with the pandemic and in holding other communities responsible for its spread. The Egyptian media dealt with the Covid-19 challenge at multiple levels related to demonstrating the strength and presence of the state as well as its ability to combat internal and external dangers. The suddenness of the…

COVID-19 and the crisis of democracy

Mohamed ElAgati ,Shorouk Al Hariri In late December 2019, the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) appeared in the Chinese city of Wuhan. In early 2020, the virus had reached dozens of countries, and by April 2020, the virus had infected around three million and killed more than 200 thousand1. In late January, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a state of emergency2 and shortly after the virus was declared a pandemic3. Countries closed their borders and airports and global aviation ground to a halt and governments imposed either curfew or total lockdown in addition to other procedures that were characterized by centralization…

The reformation of official religious institutions in Tunisia, Egypt, and Yemen

Asmaa NoweiraIntroduction: The issue of reforming religious institutions has been given priority in Arab Spring countries since the eruption of the revolutions in 2011. This was mainly the result of the growing influence of religious figures in these countries during the transitional stage and the impact they started having on the political scene. Religion has also been a major part of the political and societal debates that abounded during that time. The religious scene in Egypt, Tunisia, and Yemen was affected by the developments the region witnessed and was, consequently, involved in projects that focused on the reformation of official…

Housing policies in alternative economy: Against the commodification of public services

Shimaa ElSharkawy  Introduction: Housing policies in any given state are inseparable from the economic model adopted by this state and which usually ranges between dealing with housing as a right or as a commodity. The latter violates the social and economic right to adequate housing and shelter as stated in international charters and turns the housing sector into a business that only prioritizes profit and overlooks people’s ability at affording the commodities it offers. The liberalization of the housing market gave rise to a number of serious problems, on top of which is the phenomenon of “informal housing” where units…

List of Publications

Title Researcher Date of Publication Another youth “Coptic youth” in the Egyptian revolution: politicization and engagement through Maspero Youth Union … Reading a study of Caroline Barbary. Caroline Barbary 2018 The problematics of alternative economy in the Arab region Maan Dammag 2017 Public Policies and Achieving Social Justice (Analysis paper) Shimaa El Sharkawy 2017 Role of social movements and civil society and the challenges of achieving social justice (Analysis paper) Mina Samir 2017 International institutions in an alternative economy Rasha Abu Zaki 2017 Towards an alternative participatory economy: The role of the state Heba Khalil 2017 The quest for an…

Towards an alternative participatory economy: The role of the state

Heba Khalil  Introduction: Any plan for an alternative economy that goes beyond the current capitalist system requires a state with an independent administration as far as decision-making is concerned, one that is well connected to society and the private sector, especially different forms of production including cooperatives and labor unions. The existence of an independent and uncorrupt administrative structure is one of the most important steps for the transition to an alternative economy that replaces that current neoliberal order and challenges the dominant capitalist discourse. Such administration would protect the economy from its enemies both on the domestic and foreign…

The challenges of food sovereignty in the Arab region: The case of Egypt

Sakr ElNour Introduction: The Arab region is one of the world’s most lacking in food security, which is mainly attributed to the fact that most countries in the region depend for their food on imports, thus are always impacted by changes in food prices[1].According to the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development, in 2011 the Arab region’s self-sufficiency in grains was estimated at 45% of that year’s needs. In addition, the region is subjected to the risks of climate change and drought and heat rates did reach their highest between the years 1998 and 2011, which led to expedited desertification. The…

Environmental citizenship: On equal access to natural resources

Abdelmawla Ismail  Introduction:    The environment is among the most vital sectors that are constantly being subjected to monopoly and control attempts by multi-nationals that aim at integrating environmental resources such as land, water, and renewable energy into neoliberal markets. In doing so, those corporations aim at turning resources from services whose main purpose is serving citizens into commodities that should yield profit, hence putting pressure on locals whose livelihood depends on those resources and triggering a major deterioration in the living conditions of farmers, fishermen, shepherds, and others. The aim of the paper: The paper attempts to envision a…

Board of Consultants

A voluntary, public advisory council serves as a regular platform, offering guidance to the Forum team and its management on programs, as well as financial and administrative aspects. The council’s purpose is to maintain alignment between the institution’s mission, overall vision, and strategic objectives with its work programs and outputs. This collaborative effort aims to optimize the institution’s effectiveness and influence. 

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